If you want to free up your time with the help of a parabroker with over 5 years of experience in industry
If you need a flexible solution to fit your needs as a broker
If you have volumes that are not requiring full time or part time parabroking service
...then the scenario service is perfect for you!
Some of the tasks that Parabrokers can complete
Data Analysis - research client Fact Find and supporting documents.
Policy Check - test lenders against the inputs provided. Broker may request specific policy investigation.
Income Calculations – cross-check supporting documents and lender policies, ensure the correct income is used.
Servicing - prepare lender servicing calculator for lenders/products requested.
Generate Funding Position Calculations – confirm clients have sufficient funds to complete the proposed transaction.
Prepare Product Comparison – detailed breakdown for the lenders identified as the most suitable for the clients.
Valuation ordering - online valuation ordering where available and requested.
Pricing requests - online pricing requests where available and requested.
If any clarification needed, BDM can be contacted.
The Scenario Service Process Guide
Firstly, the broker would speak to the parabroking team lead to establish exactly what is expected from the service.
The broker would send us a deal, and upon reception we would advise them whether we have a parabroker available. The broker can also check with us beforehand, and afterwards send us the deal.
We are aiming towards having a parabroker available for 4 hours a day, so that an application does not take more than 24 hours to complete.
The price for 4 hours of this service would be $250. The monthly minimum that the broker needs to use is 4 hours x 2, i.e. 8 hours per month. The cost of this would be amount to $500 per month, and it would entail two 4-hours parabroking shifts.
Should the broker use more than 40 hours per month, every next 4-hour time portion would be charged $200. This means that the first ten 4-hour time slots would be priced $250, and every subsequent one would be charged at a reduced cost of $200.