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Non-profit organizations need more than a one-size-fits-all solution to help fully realize their unique vision and calling. Masterworks is an agile partner, navigating change with confidence to address today's marketing, fundraising, and engagement challenges and to seize tomorrow's opportunities.

Our full-service agency elevates direct-response marketing and fundraising through dynamic innovation that helps organizations grow and thrive.

Masterworks partners with non-profit organizations as a true extension of their team in order to help accomplish their mission. Our Full-Service model brings together our team of experts — from strategists to analysts, creative directors to proofreaders, production managers to project managers, and more. We come alongside an organization to understand their work, their goals, and their needs, and we develop and execute plans to fulfill those goals.

Digital Media

Recognizing the evolving digital landscape, we spearhead a digital-first approach for audience development, new donor acquisition, and cultivation. Leveraging our proprietary ad network, we offer creative solutions across contemporary platforms, including display, social, video, and native, fostering effective engagement and growth in the digital space.

Our Always On® digital media approach has been game-changing for digital fundraising. Many of our clients are now acquiring more than half or more of their new donors online. Too often, digital media is used as a support channel, when it should be a backbone of awareness generation, new donor acquisition, and donor cultivation and upgrade. Always On® is a 24/7/365 digital media program constantly optimized to attract and engage prospects, active donors, and lapsed donors to deepen their support of your organization through financial contributions. We consistently test and modify your best content and offers, then optimize to match the right message to the right audience at the right time on the right platform.

We consider digital media to include all of the commonly used contemporary platforms, including:


Direct Mail

With expertise in strategy, segmentation, print production, and creative, we excel in crafting direct mail campaigns that drive durable donor engagement. As the dynamics of direct mail evolve and the ways constituents engage change, we adapt by optimizing, streamlining, and enhancing direct mail programs for increased efficiency and effectiveness.

Masterworks has over 30 years of direct mail fundraising experience, and we are experts in strategy, segmentation, print production, and creative which leads to effective acquisition and cultivation campaigns. Not only that, as the economics of direct mail change over time, and the channels by which constituents are engaging with your organization have changed, we have continued to evolve as well - continuing to optimize, streamline, and make direct mail programs more efficient and effective.


In the realm of outreach, email stands as a pivotal and affordable tool that requires its own tailored strategies and tactics. Our adept team is able to handle every aspect of the email process, from crafting compelling content to designing visually engaging templates and deploying automations seamlessly.

Masterworks will write, design, develop, and deploy emails of all kinds. To cut through the noise and get results, Masterworks has developed a playbook of optimized email templates designed to work alone and together to increase an organization’s relational touchpoints with constituents and convert them from a donor to a donor for life. Our approach to email cultivation is a combination of automations triggered by user behavior, email series that deepen engagement with the brand, and campaign emails designed to increase giving.

With inboxes as crowded as they are, we recommend a robust email schedule where you are engaging current donors with opportunities to donate frequently.

We have the capability and capacity to execute as many emails are needed for your program. We develop custom emails day in and day out for a wide range of organizations, offers, and efforts. Our creative team is committed to crafting every email in a way that is specifically tailored to your Mission’s brand, messaging, and preference.

Masterworks is comfortable and proficient in nearly every contemporary Email Service Provider (ESP). We will quickly adapt to the templates, list management, and deploy functions of your current ESP. We have a team of email developers that has deep experience in email HTML as well as code for all accompanying landing pages, donation pages, homepage banners, and onsite promotions.

Strategy & Forecasting

At the core of our approach is the creation of holistic strategies and comprehensive in-year and long-term plans tailored to the specific goals of organizations. Drawing on years of experience, we collaborate closely with organizations to introduce innovative solutions that address their most significant challenges, fostering a strategic partnership aimed at achieving sustained growth.

Data & Analytics

Our agency empowers nonprofits to leverage data and analytics, gaining valuable insights to maximize impact in ministry and fundraising. From capturing and processing terabytes of data to visualizing and dissecting trends and opportunities, Masterworks' dedicated data team is committed to the science of data and its crucial role in the success we deliver for our clients.


Epiphany is our proprietary data platform that enables Masterworks and our clients to have a 360-degree view of a donor’s online and offline activity — transactional and behavioral. Epiphany’s reporting and analytics capabilities are accessible directly by our clients via secure login, including donor life cycle trends, revenue reports, digital media performance, and donor profiling.

Donor Management Scorecard

The Donor Management Scorecard (DMS) is our file health analysis tool, and the life cycle framework established in this tool captures the progression of donor relationships from acquisition to retention, as well as lapsing and reactivation. The quantitative analysis provided through this tool captures trends in the most critical performance metrics like second year and multi year retention. The DMS provides the team with a donor file performance assessment and year-to-date progress reports on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

The DMS not only shows five-year trends, but it can also be used on a quarterly basis to evaluate the effectiveness of strategies and tactics. The DMS is available for download at any time from Epiphany and is updated monthly at the close of our clients’ monthly books. We also review the KPIs as part of our recurring results meetings.

Your DMS life cycle file composition and giving trends are used to predict future annual performance within our revenue forecasting tool, the Dynamic Yearly Projector (DYP). With this tool, we are able to anticipate how things like acquisition volume, channel and value, retention and reactivation, giving frequency, and average gift amounts all influence future revenue and help support long-term planning decisions.

Data Product Offerings:

Client Partners

Masterworks Portfolio Companies

Advertising is an infinite endeavor. It’s not about winning; it’s about continuing to play. And while staying memorable isn’t a game that can be won—it can be lost by not playing at all.

We specialize at the intersection of digital media and engaged Christian audiences — our highly targeted media solutions empower you to amplify your brand’s awareness, foster meaningful engagement, and experience growth from Christian audiences in any digital media channel.

The Infinite Network

Our Christian ad network — featuring 150+ publishers includingBible Gateway, Christianity Today,and Biblia — provides unparalleled reach and engagement with
a Christian audience.

Always On

Our comprehensive digital media product, Always On, provides a full-funnel approach across multiple channels to amplify awareness, increase engagement, and grow core KPIs.

Culture-bending Creative

Our creative team excels at understanding your brand
and crafting resonant ads that foster trust and relevance with your core target audience.

Epiphany Analytics

Our real-time media analytics engine, Epiphany, empowers you to better understand your audiences based on their behaviors and take action to better engage with them.

Campaign Management

We can launch your campaign across any digital media platform and optimize it for your specific goals including Paid Search, Programmatic Display, Connected TV, Influencers, Sponsored Content, Podcasts, Social, and more.

¡Alcanza a los Cristianosen Español!

Reach the fastest-growing Christian audience in their native language through our Spanish network.

In today’s rapidly-changing world, Christ-led brands face more unique challenges in staying Relevant & Resonant than ever before.

We specialize in market disruption through brand building and R&D for Christ-led brands who want to effectively rally passionate audiences and disrupt this world for the sake of the next — God’s Kingdom come.

Disruptive R&D

We help Christ-led brands become the poster-children causes & categories by finding new and relevant markets

to disrupt and develop fresh and resonant subbrands and products to rally passionate audiences toward.

Our R&D team includes expert interviewers, focus group facilitators, data scientists, subject-matter experts, program evaluators, on-trend designers, and product developers who help you see the intersections between experiences, demographics, motivations,

and brand influences, and how that relates to relevant audience behaviors and what will truly resonate with them.

And then we pray a lot, make the things, market the things, and watch the Spirit move.

Distinctive Branding

We believe that true Relevance
& Resonance happens through creating brands & experiences that distinctively builds God’s Kingdom, and leaves room for
the Holy Spirit to point audiences back to way of Jesus. In a nutshell, we build brands that work hard to outmarket the competition, but never outmarket God.

Our brand team leverages specialized brand & marketplace research, appreciative inquiry, brand strategy, architecture, and a lot of prayer, to revitalize your brand among your core audiences and discover how to show up and engage the next generation.

And of course, we do stunning verbal and visual identity development in addition to brand leadership training, implementation, coaching, guardianship, and brand experience development.

Donors get bored of the same old experiences with organizations. And bored donors leave.

SUBLIMITY helps busy leaders create, launch and scale bold new experiences that reenchant their audiences.

We specialize in Reenchantment. Does “reenchant” sound too grand? Well, your audience must be reenchanted, if you really want to grow.

Experience is the strategy that always wins.

We help you create remarkable experiences that audiences old and new will always love, no matter the political climate or trend du jour.

Know your people.

C.S. Lewis wrote “you can’t study men, you can only get to know them, which is quite a different thing.

Eight years and counting, knowing your audience members as whole people remains SUBLIMITY’s key to co-creating remarkable experiences your donors, volunteers and advocates love.

Human-centered everything.

While we do all the heavy lifting, our highly-disciplined, human-centered process involves your team and audience members in the co-creation of evocative films, interactive stories, subscriber programs, “vinyl strategies” and other defining moments. These unique journeys fire the imagination, cause unprecedented action and drive real growth for the long term.

Your executive producers.

It’s time to bring your new tell-your-friends-worthy experience to life. We do that by serving as your end-to-end executive producers, ensuring that the new experience launches true to vision, and with the audience’s fingerprints all over it, ready to soar into the months and years ahead.

Create and send nonprofit mail directly from the web.

NovaMail revolutionizes the world of nonprofit direct mail, making it effortless for organizations to create and send impactful mailings. We provide the tools and resources you need to streamline your direct mail program, ensuring cost-effective campaigns that reach your audience effectively.


Novamail offers cost-effective pricing where you only pay for what you mail, ensuring great value for your marketing campaigns.

Production Efficiency

Novamail streamlines production, ensuring fast campaign execution, and enhances mailing list accuracy with NCOA and CASS address correction.

Proven Creative

You can explore creative options with a proven format catalog, new packages to keep your creative fresh, smart blocks for data accuracy, and pro-tips for optimal results.

Ease of Use

What you see is what you mail. Novamail offers a user-friendly design interface, easy content customization, and efficient data import for a hassle-free experience.