Client Name : Lysto
Solution Provided : Release Readiness Testing
Date : 07.06.2022
About Lysto
With NFTs buzzing around the markets like busy honey bees, Lysto offered Moolya a great opportunity to work for KGFVerse. It is India's first ever metaverse project conceived and launched by Homable Films Productions as a promotional event for the release of the film: K.G.F Chapter 2 in association with BookMyShow. KGF film franchise’s objective is to encourage the audience to create a series of games and virtual environments that will allow KGF chapters to expand into the Web 3.0 powered metaverse.
The Opportunity
Moolya came into the project as Quality Team with the aim to play a part in the Level 1 and Level 2 releases. “Understanding the domain was our top priority because everything was so new to us. We did a great deal of research and brainstorming to gain clarity of the domain”, says Jishnu PV(Senior Exploratory Tester at Moolya) “Moolya has this great culture of working with start-ups and brand new projects. It is something which enticed us from the very beginning”, echoes Alan Jose(Associate Exploratory Tester at Moolya) “What I loved about the project is that it has a clear roadmap for future events and series of games where these Avatars can be utilized by the users”, added Jishnu PV The Work Moolya played a role in creating a test plan according to the domain study and application requirement analysis with the help of Figma. We have developed manual test case scenarios from the end user's perspective and recorded them in Google sheet. Then we have performed the functional testing, smoke & sanity testing to validate if everything works according to requirements.”, explains Jishnu PV Moolyans have also performed cross browser testing and compatibility on mobile devices to ensure quality of the application in different environments. They ensured that the bugs/defects detected during the execution phase are being retested and resolved. “After the code freeze, we performed regression testing and declared the build as ready to go Live”, elaborated Jishnu
With the Level 1 release we enabled our partner Lysto to sell more than 600 tokens just within few minutes of the launch” For the Level 2 release, plan was to reveal the tokens which can make users win amazing avatars of KGF movies. We are grateful for this partnership and hope to achieve more in the coming time.