Our standard terms of service are as follows: while learners own their work and intellectual property, by providing it to off-campus partners they are granting the partner unrestricted usage of that project deliverable.
We find that our standard terms are agreeable to users in most cases, as learners are largely submitting insights, recommendations, and research or planning documents. There are a few cases, like graphic design (where learners are submitting digital assets) where the instructor may want to introduce different terms. An instructor or institution can always make a new arrangement for intellectual property ownership with the industry partner, which would supersede Riipen's standard terms. We recommend this be done through a separate document (including these requirements in the commitments section of the assignment page is helpful, but not sufficient).
Off-campus partners can also introduce their own project terms and conditions when they create their projects on Riipen, and these would supersede Riipen's standard terms of service.
You can find the exact language around these types of customized agreements between companies/schools in our terms, under "Part II: Additional User-Specific Terms", and we've copied the relevant language below:
"Customer may agree to additional or different terms with a Student pursuant to a separate agreement with such Student (e.g. an NDA or engagement agreement) that will govern Customer’s relationship with the Student, provided that the applicable University to which such Student belongs first approves such additional or different terms in writing."