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Target100's Event Marketing Success Through Strategic Audience Segmentation

"The Chatterkick team is very engaged and such great collaborators who listen to our goals and challenges and help us stay focused on strategy."

Lara Felton, Product Manager - Realiz100 (formerly Target100)

The Challenge

Enhancing Networking Efficiency at a Key Event

The founder of Target100 was preparing to attend a crucial partner and vendor event, an opportunity to impact the company's market positioning and future partnerships significantly. However, the challenge lay in effectively reaching and engaging two distinct audience segments ahead of the event: those already familiar with the founder and the company's offerings (warm audience) and those new to the brand (cold audience). The objective was to develop a digital marketing strategy that could tailor content based on the audience's level of brand awareness, thereby maximizing the founder's time at the event.

About Target100

Target100 offers a 10-week program that streamlines the weight-loss process into six easy-to-follow guidelines and shows individuals how to personalize and adjust them to fit their lifestyle.

Instead of counting calories, individuals learn how simple changes come together to jump-start their health and well-being, such as drinking 100 ounces of water a day, getting 100 minutes of exercise a week, adding 100 minutes of sleep a week, and more!

The Solution

Strategic Audience Segmentation

To tackle this challenge, Chatterkick developed a comprehensive plan to segment audiences into warm and cold categories based on their familiarity with the Target100 brand and its founder.

Tailor content specifically designed for each audience segment. Warm social advertising content was created for an audience who was already aware of the founder and the company's mission, focusing on deepening engagement. In addition, cold content aimed to introduce the brand to new potential partners and customers.

Optimize campaign spending by allocating the majority of the budget towards engaging warm audiences and creating lookalike audiences to expand reach effectively. This strategy also ensured that resources were spent on the most promising prospects.

The strategic segmentation and tailored content approach led to significant improvements in Target100's marketing efforts:

Cold Audience

Warm Audience

The Results

The campaigns outperformed industry benchmarks, achieving costs per click that were well below expected ranges, indicating higher efficiency in ad spending.

50% Increased CTR

Compared to the industry average

78% Lower CPC

Compared to the industry average

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Molly Kuehl, Senior Growth Strategist

[email protected] | (712) 274-3786 |