Layer 1

Email Marketing Proposal

Prepared for ACME Company

by Email Wizards

{client_company} needs to


The purpose of this section is to show your client that you fully understand the opportunities and challenges they are facing. Use this section in the email marketing proposal template to convince your customer that you can help them achieve the objectives that are important. In order to capture the attention of your clients, you’ll need to ensure that you clearly communicate how your services can help your clients achieve their ROI.

{client_name} requires an email marketing strategy to support their overall digital marketing strategy. As highlighted, one of your key marketing objectives for the year is to utilise email as a channel to:

  • Increase site traffic by 20%
  • Share vital information, news and updates about the company on a weekly basis
  • Increase overall conversion rate on the website by 40%
  • Increase customer lifetime value by 50%

To achieve these objectives, {client_company} will need to look at growing their email database, segmenting their database and establishing an email marketing schedule.

We at {company_name} have over 5 years of experience in email marketing and are confident that we can help you to grow your database and reach out to a new set of customers.

In addition, our email marketing formula combines both strategy, implementation and tracking in order to support your integrated marketing campaigns, ultimately increasing engagement and conversions online.


If it’s the first time a client is working with you, it’s always good to walk through what your process and approach is. This will also help to give your clients clarity on what to expect. Use this section to highlight your unique approach and explain why it sets you apart from other companies.

As digital marketing specialists, {company_name}’s consultants have improved the way our clients interact and engage with customers online. Our expertise in full service digital solutions, digital marketing and technology solutions as well as our integrated approach towards seamless digital marketing campaigns, and our cutting edge marketing techniques that have been backed by industry best practices have helped many of our clients achieve their marketing objectives.

Our Process has four stages:

1. Research

We begin by analysing your database. What are the demographics? How and why did users sign up for your newsletter? How often do they open your emails? What do they click on?

We will create a customised email marketing playbook based on your customer base providing all the data we have collected and analysed, including segmentation of your lists based on the customer lifecycle stage value of each lead. This will help to shape the tone of our messaging and how frequently we should send out emails to the different segments in your email database.

2. Housekeeping

To ensure that emails are getting into your subscriber’s inboxes, we’ll look into cleaning up your existing database. That is, sending out re-engagement emails to win back inactive subscribers.

In addition, we’ll work on laying down some basic standard operating procedures to ensure that your emails are whitelisted and delivered properly to your recipients, such as setting up a double opt-in process and setting up a Welcome email workflow to ensure that your clients have all the information they need to add your emails into their address book.

3. Content Creation

Working with you and your team, we’ll come up with guidelines on when and how often you should send emails by coming up with a category of email types that you will be sending. From offers, to sharing updates and sending an e-newsletter, we will help you to match this with the different lists that you have created to ensure that your emails reach the right people at the right time.

In addition, we will also conduct a 3 day training course on creating content for emails outlining industry best practices like how to improve your subject lines and email copy to increase open rates and click-through rates.

4. Tracking and Reporting

We want to make sure that you meet your goals and are getting your money’s worth. Therefore, we will help you to track and measure open rates, click through rates and bounce rates so you know how effectively your campaign has performed.

In addition, we will look into more granular data like top subscribers who have the highest open and click through rates so each of your lists can be further segmented and refined.

Most importantly, we will also match your email metrics with analytics from your website, for example, conversions at the checkout cart, so you will have a complete view of the ROI for your email marketing efforts.

Project Scope

Breakdown of what’s included in the project.

In order to prevent any misunderstandings between the client and your company, you should define the scope and tasks the project will and will not cover. This will also protect your company from future cli disputes regarding the project deliverables.


<include your proposed offerings below>

  • Preliminary research on your current email database
  • Segmenting the email database
  • Training and SOPs for email marketing
  • Scheduling a basic email campaign
  • Monthly reporting
  • Providing 10 basic and customizable email templates


  • Copywriting and designing email campaigns
  • Creating sign-up forms
  • Replying to customer emails/ queries


A Case Study On Email Strategy

Don’t just tell your clients that you’re great at what you do - show them. Insert case studies and examples of past projects into this section of the email marketing proposal template which have been successful and demonstrate how your company applied their expertise to help a similar client achieve their objectives. Use data and numbers to back up your case study and show how your service has helped a client solve their problems and impacted their business in a positive way.

Mega Corp has a base of 100,000 email subscribers and a basic email calendar, sending out e-newsletters on a monthly basis.

However, they noticed that very few of their subscribers were opening their emails and consequently, clicking through to their website. Those who opened their emails eventually unsubscribed, and they saw that their base was diminishing.

After roping us in, we helped to implement a full-fledged email marketing strategy. First, we ran a short survey to collect data about their customers. With this data, we were able to help Mega Corp understand and segment their email base better. We started by creating 20 different email lists and subsequently segmented their base further to help them send more targeted emails. We also worked on creating 5- 6 email workflows for the client to help them retain and delight their existing customers.

In line with the client’s overall content strategy, we worked with Mega Corp’s team of writers create an email calendar. Today, we continue to work closely with Mega Corp to consult them on various email campaigns as well as their monthly e-newsletter. The results so far has been very encouraging with:

  • 120% increase in open rates
  • 88% increase in click-through rates
  • 208% decrease in unsubscribes
  • And most importantly, a 180% increase in conversions on their eCommerce store.

(Include graphs and charts in your proposal, like this one in the email marketing proposal template to back up your claims.)

"Our monthly revenue went up

by 245%"

CEO @ Big Dealz Co.

Use testimonials from previous clients to backup your proposal.

Our Team

Your Email Marketing Experts

Help your clients put a face to a name by including a short profile of key members of the team that will be working directly with the clients.

Daelon Robkind

CEO @ {company_name}

Daelon, our CEO, will be leading the team and your foray into email marketing. He has extensive experience in digital marketing at a few of the biggest corporations around the world including Exccenture and McKicksey.

Marcelle McTantan

CMO @ {company_name}

Our CMO, Marcelle McTanTan, will be the lead for content creation and reporting. With over 10 years of experience in data science at LinkedIn, she is also a freelance writer who has published many business self-help books.

Company Name

Do you have a corporate video? Upload a video to highlight some of your key processes - after all, a video speaks a thousand words, or even more.

Moving Forward

Include a powerful call to action at the end of the proposal to your clients know what next steps are needed.


Email: [email protected] / Web:



{company_name} acknowledges that he/she may be furnished or may otherwise receive or have access to information which relates to the Client’s past, present or future products, vendor lists, creative works, marketing strategies, pending projects and proposals, and other proprietary information which gives the Client an opportunity to acquire an advantage over its competitors who do not know or use it (the "Proprietary Information").

{company_name} agrees to preserve and protect the confidentiality of the Proprietary Information and all physical forms thereof, whether disclosed to {company_name} before this Agreement is signed or afterward. In addition, {company_name} shall not disclose or disseminate the Proprietary Information to any third party and shall not use the Proprietary Information for his or her own benefit or for the benefit of any third party. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, {company_name} shall be prohibited from discussing the Client or the Work with a representative of the press or media, either directly or indirectly, without the Client’s express prior written approval.


Client agrees to pay {company_name} the fee laid out above. If the parameters of the Work changes, or if it involves much more time than originally estimated, {company_name} will inform Client and they can renegotiate the rate. {company_name} will submit the final invoice for the Work upon receiving approval from Client.

Client Approval:

Client is responsible for written approval of work ordered required for the completion of the Work. Upon acceptance of the Work, client accepts responsibility for any further processes in which this work is used (i.e., film output, printing, etc.) {company_name} is not responsible for errors occurring in this work or projects related to this work after acceptance of the Work.


Upon written or verbal cancellation, Client is responsible for payment for all expenses incurred and any work done toward the completion of the project based on the percentage of project completed. Should Client cancel the project following its completion, Client is responsible for full payment as per the above estimate plus all other expenses incurred.