Overview for Partners& Produced by arch.law

A Digital Fleet Solution, built for your future by solving tomorrow's problems today.

A little about us

at arch.law we combined leading edge technology with high quality lawyers to deliver legal solutions differently for our clients. We recognise that law is not simply a service - our clients need a solution that allows them to rectify their problem or maximise their opportunity.

What we do

Delivering legal, regulatory, compliance and safety solutions differently

Our clients and their fleet legal, regulatory, compliance and safety needs continue to develop in this ever-changing fast-moving world. Their needs are rarely the same – they have issues and opportunities which need solutions rather than services.

Arch Fleet delivers these solutions, differently. Combining the right type of resource with technology to achieve the best results for our clients we provide support to all sizes and types of fleet operators.

We recognise working proactively with a law firm rather than reactively, will be unfamiliar for our clients. So, we have built different approaches to work collaboratively with our clients to ensure they receive the best solutions delivered in the most appropriate way.

Solving tomorrow’s problems today allows our client to be proactive and future proof the protection of their employees, fleet and brand. We provide four solutions as part of a comprehensive offering:

1. Legal Solutions

  • Criminal Motor Defence for UK and Foreign Drivers: immediate support, representation & protection at the side of the road in the event of any incident with police attendance, ranging from a fatal collision to drink or drug driving. We also provide support for minor offences such as speeding where a driver may be at risk of losing their driving licence;
  • Transport Regulatory: legal support, representation & protection for drivers & employers relating to any alleged criminal motor offence of violation. We will liaise with all relevant authorities, third parties, court & when necessary, interpreters. At the conclusion of each case, we will conduct "Why did it happen?" reviews to stablish lessons learned & develop best practice compliance solutions to reduce the chances of it happening again;
  • Regulatory Road Transport: regulatory support, representation and O licence protection for fleet operators. We will liaise with DVSA & Office of the Traffic Commissioner as required. We will also provide representation at driver conduct hearings where required;
  • O Licence Applications, Renewals & Variations: dealing with all the necessary administration, we will walk you through each step of the application process, avoiding the most common & uncommon errors that cause complications & delays;
  • Public Inquiry Advice, Support & Representation: full representation before & after a Public Inquiry including the appeals process. We will help to make this process less stressful & aim to achieve the most positive result possible. At the conclusion of each case, we will conduct s "Why Did it Happen?" review to establish lessons learned and develop best practice compliance solutions to help prevent it from happening again in the future;
  • Human Trafficking & Clandestine Entrants Law: a growing area of concern for our clients, particularly post Brexit. We will provide full legal support, representation & protection for drivers & employers if your vehicles are alleged to be involved in human trafficking or clandestine entrant offences. We will liaise with all relevant enforcement authorities, third parties, court & where necessary interpreters. At the conclusion of each case, we will conduct a "Why Did it Happen?" review to establish lessons learned & develop best practice compliance solutions to help prevent it from happening again in the future;
  • Health, Safety & Environment Law: accidents & incidents can happen in a second, even for the most compliant fleet operator. It is imperative that legal advice is sort immediately to reduce the potential impact & consequences of the event. We will provide full legal support, representation & protection for the extremely difficult issues within the areas as dealing with the Health & Safety Executive & or the Environmental Agency can be unsettling. At the conclusion of each case we will conduct a "Why Did it Happen?" review to establish lessons learned & develop best practice compliance solutions to help prevent it from happening again in the future;
  • Employment Law: our solutions proactively support our clients through the development of the right processes and procedures at the start of the employment relationship ensuring that the right process has been built for pre-employment checks and IR35 compliance, building the right policies and procedures for you and your workforce, supporting in collective discussions with Trade Unions right through to resolving disputes for you at an employment tribunal, if required.
  • Contract Law: building the right contractual framework with customers and suppliers is vitally important to ensure that our clients both know what their risk profile is but can manage it accordingly. Using leading technology solutions such as Summize, we are able to provide a comprehensive document reviewing service ensuring that our clients are fully aware of what obligations they are committed to but also enabling us to work with them to negotiate more favourable terms over time;

2. Consultancy Solutions

  • Major Motor Incident Stress Test Exercise: we will conduct an exercise into an imaginary catastrophic motor collision/ incident to establish how a fleet operator's crisis management policy & procedures stand up to the investigation. The exercise will be conducted at an agreed depot/office & if the operator has a 24 hour operation, then an exercise will be carried out at any time of the day. We will provide a report identifying the areas of weakness, highlighting the associated risks & potential consequences & provide a detailed report with evidence based recommendations. We will help you to implement the agreed remedial actions & develop new management processes with you, to help you to ensure that identified areas of weakness are resolved;
  • Site Lockdown Exercise: we will conduct an exercise to establish if all the fleet operator's policies & procedures are being implemented on site. The exercise will be conducted at an agreed depot/ office & if the operator has a 24 hour operation, then an exercise will be carried out at any time of the day. We will provide a report identifying the areas of weakness highlighting the associated risks & potential consequences & provide a detailed report with evidence based recommendations. We will help you to implement the agreed remedial actions & develop new management processes with you to help you to ensure identified areas of weakness are resolved;
  • Site Gate Check Exercise: we will conduct an exercise to establish if all the fleet operator's gate policy & procedures are being implemented. The exercise will be conducted at an agreed depot/ office & if the operator has a 24 hour operation, then an exercise will be carried out at any time of the day. We will provide a report identifying the areas of weakness, highlighting the associated risks & potential consequences & provide a detailed report with evidence based recommendations. We will help you implement the agreed remedial actions & develop new management processes with you, to help you to ensure that identified areas of weakness are resolved;
  • Fleet Audits: focusing on the whole fleet operation, we will review current practices to identify the areas of weakness, highlighting the associated risks & potential consequences & provide a detailed report with evidence-based recommendations. We will help you implement the agreed remedial actions & develop new management processes with you, yo help you to ensure that identified areas of weakness are resolved;
  • Gap Analysis: focusing on one or more areas which are causing specific operational concern, we will review current practices to identify the areas of weakness, highlighting the associated risks & potential consequences & provide a detailed report with evidence-based recommendations. We will help you implement the agreed remedial actions & develop new management processes with you, to help you to ensure that identified areas of weakness are resolved;
  • Driver Handbook Development, Reviews & Updates: the Driver Handbook is an essential tool for Drivers & Fleet Operators. We will help you to develop a driver handbook that is specific for each individual fleet operator, enabling easy access to our Driver App, keeping them compliant, legal, safe & efficient. The content will be reviewed periodically as agreed, & automatic updates will be issued;
  • Policy Writing and Reviews: we will develop all of the necessary policies that are specific for each individual fleet operator, putting everything needed at their fingertips helping to keep them legally compliant, safe & efficient. We will review as agreed periodically & issue automatic updates through our Driver App;
  • Management Processes and Procedures Development for Policy Implementation: we will enable management teams to implement their policies by developing the right processes & procedures. These will have transparent auditing functionality to show how this is being done & when. We will review as agreed periodically & issue automatic updates. This will be available through our Driver App;
  • Driver and Fleet Safety Data Management and Analysis: one of the most difficult tasks for any fleet operator is managing the colossal amount of data produced by their vehicles & fleet operations. Our client portal will enable evidence based fleet safety reports to be hosted, easily accessed and interrogated. We will provide support to understand a fleet operator's risk enabling us to work with our client to prioritise & act on the identified risks;
  • Annual Driver/ Fleet Performance and Risk Exposure Report: we will provide an annual report to show how drivers & fleet operators are performing against agreed benchmarks by utilising & implementing our solutions. This will include the actual financial savings & future potential savings through adopting our four solutions process , helping to maintain a safe fleet operation;

3. Training Solutions

  • Identify Training Requirements: we will continuously review policies & procedures as well as root cause analysis from collision/ incident investigations, identifying specific individual & group training requirements. These will be evidenced based requirements, from the aggregated data of our fleet operator clients;
  • Develop and Deliver Training Strategy: once training requirements have been identified, we will develop a specific training strategy, enabling our clients to access a continual training program with our expert training partners;
  • Collision / Incident Investigation Training for Drivers and Managers: do drivers and or managers know what to do following a collision or incident? It is often taken for granted that everyone should know what to do but when it happens that is very often not the case. We have developed specific training courses for drivers & managers to efficiently deal with collisions & incidents & understand why information is so crucial. This enables them to obtain all of the correct information during that vital "Golden Hour";

4. Additional Solutions

  • Collision/ Incident Investigations and Analysis: this is one of the most important aspects for any fleet operator but is very often not done thoroughly enough, or not done at all. Providing access to legal privilege, we will provide a full range of investigation solutions for civil and criminal cases. This will include light touch desktop interventions for near misses, driver & witness interviews, statement preparation through to forensic investigations for the more serious collisions & incidents. This is regardless of how minor or serious the collision was; whether it is fault or non fault; where it involves injury or no injury or whether a claim is likely to be made or not. This will ensure we identify root causes to implement proactive measures to reduce future risk exposure;
  • Driver App: our Driver App will provide easy access for fleet operators & their drivers to the relevant solutions that we provide. This an essential tool for drivers & fleet managers providing up to date accurate information for drivers and operators, clearly written & easy to understand.

Arch Fleet Pricing

Our Packages


Bronze: · This starter package includes all Additional Solutions & the Collision and Investigation training for drivers and managers. Charge is per vehicle per day for a minimum 12 month period,


Silver: our intermediate package which Includes all Training Solutions & Additional Solutions referred to above. Charge is per vehicle per day for a minimum 12 month period.


Gold: Includes Training Solutions, Additional Solutions & the Audit and Policy Drafting selections from the Consultancy Solutions. Charge is per vehicle per day for a minimum 12 month period.


Platinum: available for clients who want our most comprehensive solution. A bespoke quotation will be provided upon request.


Please note that the above packages are subject to a minimum period of 12 months. We will charge vat on all of our packages and there may be disbursements that will be agreed before being charged. Each package auto renews on its anniversary unless three clear months' notice is received in writing.



delivering legal solutions differently